Ante Natal Care
Ante Natal Care (ANC)
It is a planed examination and observation for the
woman from conception till the birth .
Antenatal care refers to the care that is given to an
expected mother from time of conception is
confirmed until the beginning of labor
There are three main purposes to antenatal care:
1. health promotion, health education - Identify high risk pregnant woman
2. preparation for labor and puerperium - Social and psychological support
3. parenthood and surveillance of risk.
- (providing appropriate
surveillance for all pregnancies in the hope of identifying the small
number that develop complications, with the aim of optimizing the
outcomes for both the mother and her baby).
Outcome of Antenatal Care
Outcome or impact :
To reduce maternal and neonatal mortality and
morbidity rates.
- Demographic and Biological Factors
- Socioeconomic Factors
- Psycho-social Factors
- Health Services Factors
- Environmental Factors
Assessment and physical examination
Care is often based on a traditional arrangement of antenatal visits. The schedule varies, with the initial, or ‘booking’ visit, ideally between 8 and 10 weeks, with subsequent visits 4-weekly until 30 weeks; 2-weekly until 36 weeks and then weekly thereafter.
The booking visit
- The purpose of the antenatal booking visit is to detect any risk factors that may
indicate the necessity of extra surveillance above that provided to ‘low-risk’
women. It is also an opportunity to identify any social difficulties and to
discuss the parents’ own wishes for the pregnancy and delivery.
- Past obstetric history
- Medical and surgical history
- Family history
- History of present pregnancy
- Social and drug history
- Mental health
- Examination
- Welcome the woman, and ensure a quite place where
she can express concerns and anxiety without being
overheard by other people.
- Personal and social history: This include: woman’s name, age, occupation, address,
and phone number. marital status, duration of
marriage, Religion , Nationality and language, Housing
and finance
Menstrual history

- Duration of menstruation.
- Cycle length.
- Regularity of the cycle
- LNMP (last normal menstrual period)
- EDD (expected date of delivery)
- Duration of pregnancy equql to 280 days since first day of LMP, 266 days
from day of ovulation.
- By adding 9 months and 7 days to first day of LMP we can calculate EDD,
provided regular 28 days cycle length. If for example cycle length of a
regular cycle is 21 days we add 9 months only. On the other hand sh has a
regular cycle of 35 days we add 9 months and 14 days to LMP.
Current problems with pregnancy :
Ask the patient if she has any current problem, such as:
- Nausea & vomiting.
- Abdominal pain.
- Headache.
- Urinary complaints.
- Vaginal bleeding.
- Edema.
- Backache.
- Heartburn.
- Constipation.
Obstetrical history:
This provides essential information about the previous pregnancies that may alert the care provider to possible problems in the present pregnancy. Which includes:
- Gravida, para, abortion, and living children.
- Weight of infant at birth & length of gestation.
- Labor experience, type of delivery, location of birth,
and type of anesthesia.
- Maternal or infant complications.
Medical and surgical history:
- Chronic condition such as diabetes mellitus,
hypertension, and renal disease can affect the
outcome of the pregnancy and must be
- Prior operation, allergies, and medications should be
- Previous operations such as cesarean section, genital
repair, and cervical cerclagc.
- Accidents involving injury of the bony pelvis
Family history:
Family history provides valuable information about
the general health of the family, and it may reveal
information about patters of genetic or congenital
- D.M.
- Hypertension.
- Heart disease.
- Cancer.
- Anemia.
Physical examination
Physical examination is important to:
- detect previously undiagnosed physical problems
that may affect the pregnancy outcome.
- and to establish baseline levels that will guide the
treatment of the expectant mother and fetus
throughout pregnancy.
General Examination
It should be started from the moment the pregnant
woman walks into the examination room.
Examine general appearance:
- Observe the woman for stature or body build and gait
- The face is observed for skin color as pallor and
pigmentation as chloasma.
- Observe the eyes for edema of the eyelids and color of
conjunctiva. Healthy eyes are bright and clear.
Vital signs:
- Blood pressure:
- It is taken to ascertain normality and provide a baseline reading for a comparison throughout the
- In late pregnancy, raised systolic pressure of 30 mm Hg or raised diastolic pressure of 15 mm Hg above the baseline values on at least two occasions of 6 or
more hours apart indicates toxemia.
- Pulse:
- The normal pulse rate = 60-90 BPM.
- Tachycardia is associated with anxiety, hyperthyrodism, or infection.
- Respiratory rate:
- The normal is 16-24 BPM.
- Tachypnea may indicate respiratory infection, or
cardiac disease.
- Temperature:
- normal temperature during pregnancy is 36.2C to
- Increased temperature suggests infection.
Cardiovascular system:
- Venous congestion:
Which can develop into varicosities, venous congestion most commonly noted in the legs, vulva, and rectum.
- Edema:
Edema of the extremities or face necessitates further assessment for signs of pregnancy-induced hypertension.
Musculoskeletal system
- Posture and gait:
Body mechanics and changes in posture and gait should be addressed. Body mechanics during pregnancy may produce strain on the muscles of the lower back and legs.
Height & weight:
An initial weight is needed to establish a baseline for weight gain throughout pregnancy.
- Wt. lower than 45kg, or Ht. under 150 cm is associated with preterm labor, and low birth weight infant.
- Wt. higher than 90 kg is associated with increased incidence of gestational diabetes, pregnancy induced hypertension, cesarean birth, and postpartum infection.
Recommendation for weight gain during pregnancy are often made based on the woman’s body mass index.
Observe the neck for enlarged thyroid gland and scars of previous operations.
- Observe complexion for presence of blotches.
- Ensure that the general manner of the woman indicates
vigor and vitality.
- An anemic, depressed, tired or ill woman is lethargic,
not interested in her appearance, and unenthusiastic
about the interview.
- Lack of energy is a temporary state in early pregnancy, a
woman often feels exhausted and debilitated.
- Discuss the woman's sleeping patterns and minor
disorders and give advice as necessary.
- Report any signs of ill health.
- The size of the abdomen is inspected
- the height of the fundus, which
determines the period of the
- multiple pregnancy.
- The shape of the abdomen is inspected for:
- fetal lie & position.
- the abdomen is longer if the fetal
lie is longitudinal as occurs in
99.5% of cases.
- the abdomen is lower & broad if
the lie is transverse.
- fetal movement is inspected as
evidence of fetal life and position.
- fetal heart beat can be heard by
stethoscope after the 20th week, or
Doppler after 8th week. Normal
fetal heart rate is 120-160
The nurse should look at the following:
- Skin changes such as linea nigra, striae
gravidarum and scars of previous operations.
- The size of the abdomen is inspected for:
- Height of the fundus, which determines the
period of gestation.
- Multiple pregnancy and polyhydramnios will
enlarge both the length and breadth of the uterus.
- A large fetus increases only the length of the
- Contour of the abdominal wall is observed for
pendulous abdomen, lightening protrusion of
umbilicus and full bladder
2-Palpation :
The uterus will be palpable per abdomen after the
12th week of gestation
Abdominal palpation includes
- Estimation of the period of gestation. This is done by
determination of fundal height.
- Calculations:

- Calculation of gestation using fundal
- McDonald’s method: Measure from symphasis pubis to
top of fundus in cm.
- Gestation is measurement + or Gestation is measurement + or – 2 weeks
- 12 weeks :the uterus fills the
pelvis so that the fundus of the
uterus is palpable at the
symphysis pubis .
- 16 weeks, the uterus is
midway between the
symphysis pubis and the
- 20 weeks, it reaches the

- Pallor of the skin my indicate anemia.
- Jaundice may indicate hepatic disease.
- Chloasma and linea nigra related to pregnancy.
- Striae graviderum should be noted.
- Nail beds should be pink with instant capillary
- Legs should be noted for edema.
- They should be observed for varicose veins
- The calf must be observed for reddened areas which may be
caused by phlebitis and white areas which could be caused
by deep vein thrombosis.
- Ask the woman to report tenderness during examination.
- The legs should be observed for unequal length or muscle
wasting which may be an indication of pelvic abnormalities.

Assess breast size, symmetry, condition of nipple, and the presence of colostrum.
Gastrointestinal systems
- Mouth:
- The gum may be red, tender, edematous as a
result of the effects of increased estrogen.
Observe the mouth for:
- Dryness or cyanosis of the lips.
- Gingivitis of the gums.
- Septic focus or caries of the teeth
2. Intestine
- Assess for the bowel sound.
Assess for constipation or diarrhea.
3.Vaginal discharge:
- Ask the woman about any increase or change of
vaginal discharge.
- Report to the obstetrician any mucoid loss before
the 37th week of pregnancy.
4.Vaginal bleeding:
- Vaginal bleeding at any time during pregnancy
should be reported to the obstetrician to
investigate its origin.
Laboratory data