

Choleretic drugs are the drugs both increasing the formation and secretion of bile in liver and facilitating its outflow along the extrahepatic biliary tracts.

Classification of choleretics

The drugs stimulating the bile-forming function of liver (choleretics)

1. The drugs stimulating the bile-forming function of liver (formation and secretion) – true choleretics:
  • Bile acids and their salts: allohol, dehydrocholic acid (hologon), holenzim, liobil;
  • Synthetic drugs: Oxaphenamide, никодин, Cycvalon;
  • The drugs of plant origin: Amur barberry, sandy everlasting, valerian, thoroughwax, corn silk, turmeric, parsley, tansy, peppermint, dog rose, Tanacechol, Phenipentol, флакумин, Holagogum. Cholosas, Cholaflux
2. The drugs increasing the secretion of bile mainly due to the water component - hydrocholeretics: sodium salicytate, and other derivatives of salicylic acid, mineral water.

The drugs stimulating the bile outflow along the extrahepatic bile tracts (cholekinetics) 

1. The drugs inducing an increased tone of the gallbladder and decreased tone of bile tracts (cholekinetics): magnesium sulphate, berberine sulphate, xylitol, mannitol, sorbitol, Pituitrin, cholecystokinin.

2. The drugs inducing the relaxation of the tone of bile tracts (cholespasmolytic drugs): atropine sulfate, papaverine hydrochloride, platifillin tartrate, metacin, no-spa, nitroglycerin, olimetin, Holagol, extract of belladonna, euphylline.

3. The drugs increasing the hydrophilic nature of bile, preventing precipitation of its components inside the bladder and bile ducts: ursodeoxycholic acid (ursofalk), chenodeoxycholic acid (Henofalk)

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