How to protect ourselves from Corona virus

How to protect ourselves from Corona virus 

Corona virus has made many effective changes in our lives and affected our relationship with the others around us . So we should follow some advices to know how to protect ourselves form it .

How to protect yourself ?

According to the world health organization ; the most important thing we should do to keep ourselves safe from Corona virus

  1. To wash your hands with soap and water or alcohol, by this way you kill the virus that maybe are stuck in your hands 
  2. Don't try to touch your eyes , nose and your mouth because your hand touches a lot of surfaces and that may causes the virus to stay on your hands and from here to your Body directly.
  3. Try not to go out from your house and if you will go out, don't contact with anybody .
  4. Leave a safety distance between you and the people around you at least 1.5 meters .
  5. Don't forget to wear your mask anywhere.

How to stop Corona virus spread ?

  • Firstly if you are not infected ; you should stay at home
  • Secondly if you are infected ; you should 

  1. When you sneeze or coughing, use a paper handkerchief.
  2. You should throw the used handkerchief after using directly 
  3. You should stay at home or the hospital

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