Oxford University vaccine for Corona virus

Oxford University starts to examine a vaccine for Corona virus

The scientists of Oxford University started to examine a new vaccine for Corona virus on humans on last Thursday.

 After the positive examination on the animals.The new vaccine is a key to the road to the the new world to come back to the normal life. 

  •  The fist group of the volunteers consists of 510 persons, their ages between 18 to 55 years. 
  • The Vaccine is called nCoV-19ChAdOx1.
  • The new vaccine is made of a weak copy of the usual cold viruses from chimpanzees which was changed genetically , so it's impossible to work against the human.
  • The scientists tried the new vaccine on two humans to see if the vaccine is the hope to stop Corona virus or it will fail to stop it, If the new vaccine will prevent the speared of Corona virus; the scientists will produce about one million by September
  • The examination of the vaccine divided into 4 stages;
  1. Examination of the vaccine on animals
  2. Examine the vaccine on the fist volunteers (510)
  3. Examine the vaccine on the old people( more than 55 years )
  4. Production of the vaccine 

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