COUGH and Huff


Definition :

It is sudden audible expulsion of air from lung to move secretion from lung bronchus & trachea to out 

may be voluntary or reflexive .

Aiming for clearance of lung air way from secretions or prevention of aspiration of foreign body into the lung .



 Voluntary or reflexive


 Done through CNS stimulation

 No CNS stimulation


 Not or less productive

 Doesn’t stimulate huffing

 Used as preparation & stimulate cough

 Remove secretions from proximal airways ( 7th generation)  to out

 Remove secretions from the distal 23th generation toward proximal airways  

 Deep inspiration with closed glottis

 No deep inspiration with no closed glottis

 The increase in intrathoracic & intraabdominal pressure is more so cause forced expiration 

 Less pressure so less power of expiration  

Cough reflex : ( SRACEER) 

  • Stimulus : foreign body 
  • Receptors : cough receptors 
  • Afferent : glossopharyngeal , vagus , trigeminal , recurrent pharyngeal nerve . 
  • Centre : respiratory center  in medulla 
  • Efferent : phrenic nerve 
  • Effector : contraction of diaphragm 
  • Response : cough & expulsion of secretion 

Cough mechanism :

Order the patient to do the following : 
  • Deep breathing
  • Closure of glottis(to prepare abdominal and inter costal muscles to produce (+ve) intra thoracic pressure)
  • Contraction of abdominal muscles ( to increase intra abdominal pressure which leads to pushing the diaphragm upward leading to decrease the volume of the cavity &then lead to increase intra thoracic pressure). 
  • Opening of the glottis so sudden expulsion of air due to increased intra alveolar pressure .

Types of cough mechanism : 

1.Controlled cough :

  • Used as a preparation for patient 
  • First educate patient diaphragmatic breathing and explain pattern of cough to him 
Patient position : 

  • Sitting with lean forward ( better position ) 
  • Pillow on lower limbs & hands rested on these pillows. 

Order : 
  1. Ask pt. to do 3 huffs 
  1. Take deep breath 2 times ( to prevent atelectasis ) 
  1. Ask pt. to take deep breath for 3rd time and close glottis then contract abdominal muscles & then open mouth and then cough 

2. Splinted cough :

  • Same as controlled cough 
  • But pt. supports the incisional site by pillow, by his hand or  belt .

3) Manual assisted cough :

There are 2 types of manual assisted cough which are :
1. By therapist assist :

  • Pt. position : supine, sitting OR long sitting
  • Grasp from supine position : hands over each other on epigastric area. 
  • Order : 
  1. 3 huffs 
  2. Deep breath 2 times 
  3. Deep breath for 3rd time and close epiglottis then contract abdominal M.s ( apply assistance once pt. contract abdominal muscles by pushing inward & upward to help expiration ) 
  4. Open mouth and then cough . 

2. By self assist :

Pt. position: same 
Order :  same & push inward and upward by his hands 

4. Tracheal trickle :

  • Insert your index & middle finger in supra sternal notch and press downward with circular motion 
  • Used with old age , disoriented pt ( ICU) & pediatrics . 

what are the factors that affect cough?

  • Anesthesia which inhibit cilia movement 
  • Incisional pain which inhibit cough.
  • Inability of patient to take deep inspiration due to (fracture of rib, chest incision).
  • Inability of patient to make forced expiration (myopathy, spinal cord injury above T10)
  • Injury of phrenic nerve .
  • Thick secretions.

Measurement of an effective cough:

Depends on the number of coughs per each expiration:
  1. Functional cough:   ðŸ‘‰   2cough / 1 expiration.
  2. Sub functional :   ðŸ‘‰   1 cough /1 expiration.
  3. Zero:    👉    sigh

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