Posture Correction

Posture Correction

Posture: Is the position in which the woman holds her body while standing, sitting, or lying down. Good posture during pregnancy involves training her body to stand, walk, sit, and lie in positions where the least strain is placed on her back.

Pregnancy and Posture

One of the most important contributions to a healthy pregnancy is good posture. Proper alignment can decrease low back and neck pain, and fatigue. However, during pregnancy several things occur that work against maintaining correct alignment. 

 The weight of the baby causes her lower back to sway as her center of gravity moves forward (anterior tilting of pelvis) causes woman to shift her body back over the pelvis to prevent falling (increase in lumbar lordosis) compensatory thoracic kyphosis may occur. 

Instructions for activities of daily living during pregnancy: 
* The arches of her feet should be supported with low- heeled (but not flat) shoes. 
*Avoid standing in the same position for a long time.
*If she needs to stand for long periods, adjust the height of the work table to a comfortable level if possible. Try to elevate one foot by resting it on a stool or box. After several minutes, switch her foot position. 
*While working in the kitchen, open the cabinet under the sink and rest one foot on the inside of the cabinet. Change feet every 5 to 15 minutes. 

Postural correction from standing: 
      1. Hold her head up straight with her chin in. Do not tilt her head forward, backward, or sideways. 
      2. Make sure her ear lobes are in line with the middle of her shoulders. 
      3. Keep her shoulder blades back and her chest forward. 
      4. Keep her knees straight, but not locked. 
      5. Stretch the top of her head toward the ceiling. 
      6. Tighten her stomach, pulling it in and up when she is able. Do not tilt her pelvis forward or backward. 
      7. Point her feet in the same direction, with her weight balanced evenly on both feet., hold ,relax. 

      The postural correction from sitting 
      • Sit with her back straight and her shoulders back. her buttocks should touch the back of her chair. 
      • Sit with a back support (such as a small, rolled-up towel or a lumbar roll) placed at the hollow of her back. 
      • Sit at the end of her chair and slouch completely

       Correct sitting position without lumbar support (left) and with lumbar support (right).

      Correct way to stand up from sitting: 
      1. Distribute her body weight evenly on both hips. 
      2. Keep her hips and knees at 90-degree angle. her legs should not be crossed and her feet should be flat on the floor. 
      3. When standing up from the sitting position, move to the front of the seat of her chair. Stand up by straightening her legs. 

      Correct way to lift objects 
      1. If she must lift objects, do not try to lift objects that are awkward or are heavier than 20 pounds. 
      2. Before she lifts an object, make sure she has firm footing. 
      3. To pick up an object that is lower than the level of her waist, keep her back straight and bend at her knees and hips. Do not end forward at the waist with her knees straight. 
      4. Stand with a wide stance close to the object you are trying to pick up, and keep her feet firmly on the ground. Tighten her stomach muscles along with her pelvic floor muscles (Kegel) and lift the object using her leg muscles. Straighten her knees in a steady motion. Don’t jerk the object up to her body. 
      5. Stand completely upright without twisting. Always move her feet forward when lifting an object.
      6. If she is lifting an object from a table, slide it to the edge of the table so she can hold it close to her body. Bend her knees so she is close to the object. Use her legs to lift the object and come to a standing position. 
      7. Avoid lifting heavy objects above waist level. 
      8. Hold packages close to her body with her arms bent. Keep her stomach muscles tight. Take small steps and go slowly. 
      9. To lower the object, place her feet as she did to lift. Tighten her stomach muscles, and bend her hips and knees.

      Correct way for reaching objects overhead 
      1. Use a foot stool or chair to bring herself up to the level of what she is reaching. 
      2. Get her body as close as possible to the object she needs to reach. 
      3. Make sure she has a good idea of how heavy the object is she is going to lift. 
      4. Use two hands to lift. 
      Best position for sleeping and lying down 
      • The best lying or sleeping position might vary. No matter in what position she lies, place a pillow under her head, but not her shoulders. The pillow should be a thickness that allows her head to be in a normal position to avoid training her back. she might also want to put a pillow between her legs for support. 
      • Try to sleep in a position that helps her maintain the curve in her back (such as on her side with her knees slightly bent, with a pillow between her knees). Do not sleep on her side with her knees drawn up to her chest. Avoid sleeping on her stomach. 
      • Select a firm mattress and box spring set that does not sag. If necessary, place a board under her mattress. She can also place the mattress on the floor temporarily if necessary. If she has always slept 5 on a soft surface, it might be more painful to change to a hard surface. Ask her to do what is most comfortable for her. 
      • Try using a back support (lumbar support) at night to make her more comfortable. A rolled sheet or towel tied around her waist might be helpful. 
      • When standing up from the lying position, turn on her side, draw up both knees towards her chest and let her legs gently drop off the bed. Sit up by pushing herself up with her hands. Avoid bending forward at her waist. 

      Values of postural correction exercises: 
      1. Maintain graceful looking. 
      2. Prevent and avoid postural problems. 
      3. Minimize backache by minimizing lumbar lordosis. 
      4. Teach fundamental of good posture and how to attain it.

      Therapist position for all exercise: 

      The therapist hands should follow the patient’s movements

      Postural correction exercise from crock lying position:  
      chin in, open out ribs through costal breathing, contract abdominal muscles
      and contract glutei. Hold - then relax .

      Postural correction from supine lying position: 
      Chin in, open out ribs through costal breathing, Contract abdominal muscles, Contract glutei, Press knees downward, Dorsiflex your ankle joints, Hold - and relax . 

      Postural correction from sitting position: 
      Head is directed toward the ceiling. 
      Eyes looked forward. 
      Back erect. 
      Right angle between trunk and thighs. 
      Right angle between thighs and lower legs. 
      Right angle between the lower legs and feet. 
      Feet must be supported on the floor . 

      chin in, open out ribs through costal breathing, contract abdominal muscles and contract glutei. Hold - then relax 

      Postural correction from standing position: 

      1. Head is directed toward the ceiling and eyes looked forward. 

      chin in, open out ribs through costal breathing, contract abdominal muscles and contract glutei, draw knees backward, Hold -and relax. 

      Sets and repetitions 
      • 1 set of 10 reps 
      • graduation: 2-3 sets of 15-20 reps. 

      • 3 days a week

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