Respiratory stimulants
Respiratory stimulants
Respiratory stimulants — a group of drugs used in case of respiration depression. By the mechanism of action the stimulants can be divided into three groups:
- Central action: bemegride, caffeine;
- Reflex action: lobeline, cytisine;
- Mixed action: nikethamide (cordiamin), carbonic acid.
Bemegride (Bemegridum, Agipnon, Etimid) is used in case of light intoxications with barbiturates and some other general anesthetics and narcotic hypnotics. In case of severe intoxications with barbiturates Bemefride is contraindicated. Administration: i/v 2-5ml of 0,5% solution.Side effects: nausea, vomiting, convulsions and muscular twitching. The drugs is contraindicated at psychomotor agitation. Produced in the form of 0,5 % solution in 10 ml ampoules.Contraindicated: at psychomotor agitation.
Sulfocamphocaine (Sulfocamhhocainum) is a complex compound consisting of sulfocamphoric acid and Novocain. By its action the drug is similar to camphor but, unlike camphor, it is water-soluble and rapidly absorbed if administered s/c or i/m (at the same time it does not cause infiltrates). It exerts positive action on ventilation of lungs, improves pulmonary blood flow and function of the myocardium. It is used at the depression of the respiratory and vasomotor centers (in case of infection diseases, cardiogenic shock). Administration: s/c, i/m, i/v - 2 ml х 2-3 times a day.
Caffeine and sodium benzoate (Coffeinum-natrii benzoas) by its pharmacological properties and indications is similar to caffeine. It is different from caffeine by better water solubility and more rapid elimination out of the body. Caffeine directly stimulates the respiratory and vasomotor centers. It can be used as an analeptic (in large doses) or as a psychostimulator. Prescribed: p/o 0,1-0,2 х 2-3 times a day and s/c - 1 ml of 10% or 20% solution.
Nikethamide (Cordiamin, Cordiaminum, Кардиамид) - 25% solution of nicotinic acid diethylamide – an analeptic of a mixed type of action (direct and reflex). It directly stimulates the respiratory and vasomotor centers, especially if their tone is decreased, reflexively – from chemoreceptors of carotid glomerules. Indications: blood circulation disorder, decrease of vascular tone and respiration weakening in patients with infection diseases, collapse and asphyxia (asphyxia of newborns), shock states. Use: p/o (in drops) or parenterally, p/o - 15-40 drops 2-3 times a day 30—40 before meal, drinking enough water. S/c, i/m, i/v 1-2 ml х 1-3 times a day.
Reflex stimulants
N-cholinomimetics: Lobeline (Lobelinum) and Cytisin (Cytisinum) reflexively stimulate the resipatory center by way of stimulation of NN- cholinoreceptors of carotid glomerules. They intensify the impulsation that comes to the respiratory center and increase its activity. Nevertheless, they are not effective in case of respiration depression by hypnotics and general anesthetics. They are used in case of asphyxia of newborns, poisoning with carbon monoxide (i/v administration).
Solution of lobeline or Cytitonum (0,15% cytisin solution) is administered i/v; the onset of action is fast, but the duration is short (several minutes).
As a stimulator of respiration one uses Саrbogen (inhalation) – a mix of 5-7% С02 and 93-95% of oxygen). The stimulation action of Carbogen is developed within 5-6 minutes.
(Bemegridum, Agipnon, Etimid) is used in case of light intoxications with barbiturates and some other general anesthetics and narcotic hypnotics. In case of severe intoxications with barbiturates Bemefride is contraindicated.
Administration: i/v 2-5ml of 0,5% solution.
Side effects: nausea, vomiting, convulsions and muscular twitching. The drugs is contraindicated at psychomotor agitation. Produced in the form of 0,5 % solution in 10 ml ampoules.
Contraindicated: at psychomotor agitation.
(Sulfocamhhocainum) is a complex compound consisting of sulfocamphoric acid and Novocain. By its action the drug is similar to camphor but, unlike camphor, it is water-soluble and rapidly absorbed if administered s/c or i/m (at the same time it does not cause infiltrates). It exerts positive action on ventilation of lungs, improves pulmonary blood flow and function of the myocardium.
It is used at the depression of the respiratory and vasomotor centers (in case of infection diseases, cardiogenic shock).
Administration: s/c, i/m, i/v - 2 ml х 2-3 times a day.
Caffeine and sodium benzoate
(Coffeinum-natrii benzoas) by its pharmacological properties and indications is similar to caffeine. It is different from caffeine by better water solubility and more rapid elimination out of the body. Caffeine directly stimulates the respiratory and vasomotor centers. It can be used as an analeptic (in large doses) or as a psychostimulator.
Prescribed: p/o 0,1-0,2 х 2-3 times a day and s/c - 1 ml of 10% or 20% solution.
(Cordiamin, Cordiaminum, Кардиамид) - 25% solution of nicotinic acid diethylamide – an analeptic of a mixed type of action (direct and reflex). It directly stimulates the respiratory and vasomotor centers, especially if their tone is decreased, reflexively – from chemoreceptors of carotid glomerules.
Indications: blood circulation disorder, decrease of vascular tone and respiration weakening in patients with infection diseases, collapse and asphyxia (asphyxia of newborns), shock states.
Use: p/o (in drops) or parenterally, p/o - 15-40 drops 2-3 times a day 30—40 before meal, drinking enough water. S/c, i/m, i/v 1-2 ml х 1-3 times a day.
Reflex stimulants
Lobeline (Lobelinum) and Cytisin (Cytisinum) reflexively stimulate the resipatory center by way of stimulation of NN- cholinoreceptors of carotid glomerules. They intensify the impulsation that comes to the respiratory center and increase its activity. Nevertheless, they are not effective in case of respiration depression by hypnotics and general anesthetics. They are used in case of asphyxia of newborns, poisoning with carbon monoxide (i/v administration).
Solution of lobeline or Cytitonum (0,15% cytisin solution) is administered i/v; the onset of action is fast, but the duration is short (several minutes).
As a stimulator of respiration one uses Саrbogen (inhalation) – a mix of 5-7% С02 and 93-95% of oxygen). The stimulation action of Carbogen is developed within 5-6 minutes.