Why you need to take dietary supplements and why the "I get from food" strategy is ineffective

Why you need to take dietary supplements ? and why the (I get from food) strategy is ineffective ?

  1. metabolic map
  2. Dietary supplements
  3. vitamins
  4. minerals
  5. vitamin and mineral complexes
  6. omega-3
  7. protein
  8. food
  9. food
  10. symptoms
  11. avitaminosis

The structure of the body and chemical reactions.

We are a chemical laboratory in which 15,000 chemical reactions take place all the time, and to see this clearly, look at the metabolic map of a person.
And for all processes to proceed successfully, vitamins and minerals are needed as catalysts. Accordingly, good functional nutrition ensures the normal course of all these reactions.

Due to what the body's chemical reactions take place.

Vitamins are protein catalysts. (Chemistry and chemical technology // Principles of metabolic regulation. - P.46). Catalysts are what promote and accelerate a chemical reaction.

For example, Omega-3 is the membrane of each of our 37.2 trillion cells. If it is not there, there is no immunity, since these are also cells. Immunity cells are synthesized with sufficient intake / synthesis of protein, and this happens with a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals and omega-3 acids. For any response, the body needs about 2 billion cells. And the threats are not only in the coronavirus, they are every day.

Protein is the building material of our body. The cells are renewing, we slept - we got up with fresh skin. Hormones, immunity are also made up of proteins. But the focus of the protein must fit in the direction of the vegetable.

Reasons for the lack

Previously, the work of people was mainly associated with physical labor, and at the same time they ate 6,000 kcal, complex carbohydrates, vegetables, berries. And we now eat a lot of recycled empty food and a sedentary lifestyle. And the question is not what we ate, but what we didn't eat. Didn't eat complete protein, fiber, vitamins. By consuming empty calories, we are missing out on what we need in the first place.

You also need to take into account that over the past 25-30 years, the nutrient content in food has decreased (since it is difficult to do everything purely and from natural raw materials, plus pesticides, etc.). S.N. Udintsev and T.P. Zhilyakova argue that over the past 30 years, the content of vitamins of group in the beef and poultry meat fell by 30-70%. This trend is associated with the massive introduction of growth enhancers - hormones. Compare, for example, the taste of a tomato or apple, natural and from the store. Now scientists have other tasks in breeding - plants must be sweet, resist pests and bad weather. We buy a beautiful shell, but the nutrient density is low.

What does it all lead to, the result

The body adapts to everything, if even one element is missing, the body finds it inside from its own tissues and there is a deficiency and a problem in this tissue / organ. Therefore, we say that you need to consume vegetables and fruits of different colors (5 colors) every day. Even studies show that with such a balanced diet, human mortality from cardiovascular disease and overall mortality are several percent lower. And people not only live longer, but their lives are more fulfilling.

What happens with a constant lack of vitamins and minerals? The symptoms of vitamin deficiency are nonspecific, but there are many of them:

- Decreased energy, general weakness and lethargy, decreased performance
- Fatigue despite sleep
- Decreased immunity
- Allergies
- Increased sweating and unpleasant odor
- Deterioration of the quality of skin, hair and nails, teeth
- Digestive problems
- Mood swings irritation-oppression (a number of accumulated harmful substances affect n / a)

Count how many symptoms did you have and how many?

These symptoms are common to many and everyone is used to them, considering them the norm. And these are the side effects of quality of life. If you go through classical tests in the hospital, they will not show anything. Do you know why? Because there are no changes in tissues and organs, there are still prerequisites, and in fact you began to worry at the right time.

Moreover, spring and autumn are periods when almost everyone has hypovitaminosis. And almost always people blame it on overwork, fatigue, age, or whatever. Symptoms are nonspecific and their causes can be very diverse, but sometimes on good days and at any time, they persist and become a permanent condition. So, being in a steady state despite the weekend, rest, food and sleep is a good reason to think about it.

Therefore, if the food is imperfect (fish, meat, fruits, vegetables), support is imperative. And the normal amount of vitamins and minerals in only 25% of the population is only those that replenish it from other sources. 

Thus, the body needs help, but it is difficult to do it in the usual way (with the help of food). Therefore, it is logical that the use of biologically active food supplements is an excellent solution to maintain health.

Next, we'll take a look at exactly which supplements to consume and which ones to avoid.

2. Dietary supplements and vitamin and mineral complexes: go to the pharmacy or take care of yourself?

The first thought that comes up is to go to the pharmacy. But is this idea so reasonable?

Vitamins are biologically important substances, without which activity inside the cell is impossible. Lack of such substances leads to serious disorders and illness in the body. In this connection, humanity produces artificial vitamins and actively, thanks to marketing mechanisms, introduces into the life of a modern person.

Vitamin A. Natural vitamin A (in science carotene) consists of several subunits - 2 large (alpha and beta) and 4 small. Synthetic analogs of this vitamin contain only beta-carotene, the remaining fractions are not synthesized. But it is precisely such a complex structure that provides such an important value of the biologically active substance. There are two scientific facts about synthetic substitutes:
  1. With regular intake of a synthetic analogue, the risk of bowel cancer increases by 31%.
  2. Its use increases the risk of heart disease by 14% in smokers.

Vitamin E: Natural vitamin E, consists of several subunits - 4 tocopherol and 4 tocotrienol. Pharmacists produce only partial substitutes that are very different from natural ones. Research states that:
  1. The risk of developing lung cancer in smokers, when using the synthetic tax, increases by 18%.
  2. Mixing synthetic vitamins A and E increases the risk of bowel cancer.

Vitamin C : This vitamin contains flavonoids, rutin, ascorinogen, many other compounds, which together form a functionally active unit. Reception of a synthetic analogue separately from additional components shows the following results:
  1. A daily dose exceeding the norm of 500 mg increases the risk of atherosclerosis by 2.5 times.
  2. Mixing synthetic analogs of vitamins A + E + C shortens life expectancy by 10%

5. Psychological test for psychosomatics of diseases

Relax and feel the body. Draw figuratively how I imagine, feel my body. Analyze mentally where and what sores are and add to the drawing in the form of a metaphor, a symbol-image (the same or different).
Discussion by information fields:

I see this symbol an image, but instead I want what? (finish drawing mentally for now)

I want it in order to? When I have it, then ...

That is, I want this .. Which of this has already been implemented and what needs to be implemented? What opportunities are there for this?
Unrealized - what can be done for this? Am I ready?
This is where the problem lies.

Psychology is good, but it is better to act together and help the body recover from the already acquired sores, the body needs to be looked after.

List of sources used  

1. Ivanenko Biochemistry of vitamins .: Higher school , 2007 .-- 212 

2. Kanyukov In Vitamins training manual Buzzards Strekalovskaya Saneeva Orenburg , 2012 .-- 108 

3. NikitinaL II SolovevaN In Clinical Vitaminology ChGMA , 2002.

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